The new Epic Boat Sock will help protect your boat while in storage or on the road - it is a great addition to your Epic products. There are several sizes available, and they are fitted to your ski. If you do not see your boat listed, it is possibly out of stock - please contact
Note that the fit is not as tight in the back part of the boat, as there is some space in the sock to account for the shape of the skis as well as to accept any length rudder. V7 fits into the V8 cover with a bit of extra material left unused.
Warning: The boat sock is breathable and therefore is not waterproof or completely dustproof. The sock does not provide protection from hard impacts or from dropping your boat.
All models, paddles and plastics are in stock and available online for either an immediate delivery (or, worse case, it won't be far away).
Prior to placing your order, please check with Epic Kayaks Australia (0413135140) for an accurate ETA. If we don't have the ski ready to go, it should be just around the corner.
Thank you for your continued support from the Epic team.