Epic Kayaks Australia Spring/ Summer Update

Spring/ Summer 2020
To our valued customers,
We hope you are safe and well during this unprecedented time.
Whilst paddling is definitely our passion (and has been a great outlet during these more isolated times), here at Epic we have tried to stay out of social media and promotion in general over the last 6 months as the business takes a back seat to community health.
Truth be told, our business (like most others) has been adversely affected by COVID over the last few months. However, we are glad to confirm that our range of products has started to arrive for Spring/summer with many more surfskis on their way (over 600 in total over the next six months).
Whilst this is great news for our loyal customers, and despite our best efforts, we have in fact maxed out our supply lines with these unprecedented orders and, due to current demand, we may indeed be facing short term periods of stock shortages right up to early 2021.
By our current calculations, all current orders received by Epic, through our dealer network or directly, shall be delivered by the end of October.
We will then work with our customers and dealers to best facilitate new orders as quickly as possible.
We will be trying earnestly over the coming months to have as many happy customers as possible but we acknowledge that there will be intermittent waiting times on certain models of skis right up to Christmas. We will try to limit delays as much as possible and sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.
For any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact Epic Australia at australia@epickayaks.com.
Stay safe and thank you for choosing Epic!
See you on the water.